⤳ Present
⤳ Future
⤳ Past 


NO PUEDO is a magazine that recovers the domestic space as a place for feminine non-doing, and that outlines the house as a space for activism.

NO PUEDO was born thanks to Whatsapp. We had a group of several friends, and every time we tried to stay, some would always say 'I can't.' It became almost a mantra, to such an extent that it was impossible to stay, because in all cases someone said 'I can't'.I began to think about it, because I saw that it not only happened in the small universe of our WhatsApp group, but I also perceived it in other groups of friends and in conversations, in which the lack of time was a common theme for many.

Something very important for the birth of the magazine also happened, and it was realizing that staying inactive in the place of the house (the domestic) for many women created a close feelingto the strangeness, which was summed up in something typical: "Well, I'm not going to stay here on the sofa and do nothing".

I CAN'T really is 'I don't want to'.


You can participate with an open contribution to any type of discipline (text, images, drawings) that reflects on the topic on which the magazine revolves: the recovery of strategies and / or positions of resistance / activism in the domestic space.

In the particular situation in which we find ourselves, I would like to highlight the ideology of speaking of domestic resistance and activism from the environment in which we find ourselves, when the domestic is not an option.

Limits for the presentation of proposals:
- For texts, a limit of 19,600 characters with spaces is marked (6 pages in word, letter 11, single space).
- For illustrations / images, series of a maximum of 12 images are accepted.

The publication will be, this time, digital. It can be downloaded for a price of € 8.5; amount that will be distributed equally among the collaborators of the magazine. This is a symbolic price (compared to € 35 of its original price in printed format) due to the extraordinary situation in which we find ourselves.

We have decided to take up the project for some requests and, above all, keeping in mind the importance of safeguarding some of the reflections that are taking place these days, and making them accessible for a longer time, in a digital format that is as readable and pleasant as possible.

Deadline: April 10TH, 2020, 10pm (Spanish time)

You can send all the proposals to info@virginiadediego.com
March 2020


Cargo Collective
Frogtown, Los Angeles